Guardian Splash-Zone Protection Systems
The Guardian Splash-zone Protection Systems includes the 60GW, 100, 200 & 500 series of splash zone coatings. The specially formulated high-quality splash zone systems are designed to long-life protection against anaerobic, aerobic, and microbial corrosion within the harshest marine conditions with wave heights up to 4 metres.

Guardian Splash-zone Systems are based upon proven petrolatum systems specifically developed for the marine environment, which are then protected with different outer covers dependent upon the level of protection required and the specific project application requirements. With regards to timber pile restoration, pile strengthening for flexural we have developed flexible cementitious and epoxy grouting system that are contained with fibreglass casings for both long-life UV resistance and mechanical impact resistance.
Guardian Splash-zone Systems provide typical lifespans of 30 years, significantly reducing the ongoing maintenance cost during the structure operating life within onshore port facilities, recreational jetties, mooring dolphins and offshore facilities within oil & gas platforms.
The GUARDIAN Splash-zone 2000 System
The GUARDIAN Splash-zone 2000 series is a robust system install with a pneumatic clamping system, which provides excellent protection against anaerobic, aerobic and microbial corrosion in both open water and sheltered water environments. The system is designed to withstand wave heights up to 4 metres.. The coating provides a 30+ years of corrosion protection performance by offering true surface tolerance. The system is designed for application both above and below water, making the Guardian 2000 system the ideal choice for most marine environments.
The GUARDIAN Splash-Zone 100 System
The Guardian Splash-zone 100 system protection provides excellent protection against anaerobic and aerobic corrosion in sheltered water environments. The system is designed to withstand wave heights up to 2 metres. The coating provides a 30+ years of corrosion protection performance by offering true surface tolerance. The system is designed for application both above and below water, making the Guardian 100 system the ideal choice for most sheltered marine environments.
The GUARDIAN Splash-Zone 60GW System
The GUARDIAN Splash-zone 60GW system addresses the problems associated with toredo worm (plus other marine borers) associated with timber piling. In addition, the system provides protection for concrete pile to assist with the prevention of sodium chloride (salt) absorption leading to premature failure due to rebar corrosion and concrete spalling.
The system can be used in both sheltered and exposed environments, incorporating the Guardian HD-GW (Glass wrap) ARO (Abrasion Resistant Overcoat)
The system provides over twenty years of performance protection, with the GUARDIAN 60GW providing true surface tolerance, directly applied below and above water. When paired with its highly conforming properties, the mechanical protection of the GUARDIAN Splash-zone 60GW system is an excellent choice for timber and steel piles within marine environments such as, ports & harbours, process industries, refining, power plants in coastal conditions.
The GUARDIAN Splash-zone 500 Systems
The GUARDIAN Splash-zone 500 systems are engineered and design to meet specific client requirements, both for the prevention of corrosion and in some cases to enhance the structural integrity of concrete, steel and timber marine structures.
The GUARDIAN Splash-Zone 500 System are formulated with pourable cementitious and underwater epoxy grout technology, utilized in conjunction with reinforcement & purpose made fibreglass jacketing systems to provide replacement to lost timber, concrete & steel, to restore structural loads which providing corrosion prevention, chloride absorption prevention and the elimination of marine borers (timber piles only).
The GUARDIAN Splash-Zone 500 system is standard with a translucent finish, making it easier to monitor when installed underwater. However, they are also available in coloured finishes.
Get In Touch
Have a question about Guardian Splash Zone Coatings? Feel free to contact us today to learn more about the many benefits offered by our Guardian splash zone protection systems.
Please contact JST Group’s Industrial Sales Manager: Nick Grenier
Line: @jst-group
Tel: +662 022 8000